cashflow analysis

3452 days ago

ValiRX – it will be different this time! Oh no it won’t Mr Bulletin Board Moron

You see my problem is that I just do not understand the exciting technology. That is what the ValiRx (VAL) experts say, well by experts I mean Bulletin Board Morons. We have been here before. Do you remember Monitise?

My thesis with Monitise was that I had looked at the numbers and it was abundantly clear that the valuation was bonkers and that cash would be an issue so I said sell at 50p so repeating my sell at 70p. The shares are now 29p (and are still way overvalued). But apparently I just did not understand the “new paradigm” and so on twitter a fellow called Share Tipster (@2years2go) stated:

@TomWinnifrith text book tosh, cop out! First - understand business, management, market dynamics + new business models old bean!

Whatever. So far I chalk that up as 1 nil to the dull number cruncher versus those who “really understand the technology”. I admit that I am no expert on what Monitise does but I can read a balance sheet and a cashflow statement.

Now that brings me to ValiRx
